Rukia Kuchiki- I bought a new chappy poster for my room!
Byakuya Kuchiki and three others like this
Ichigo Kurosaki- Your room? You're still sleeping in the closet, don't think I'm having that shitty rabbit poster on my wall!
Renji Abarai- Let her put the poster up in your room, Ichigo. It'll go nicely with your pink bed spread.
Rukia Kuchiki likes this
Ichigo Kurosaki- It's my sister's bed spread! I only used it once because Rukia took mine!...Besides, how the fuck do you know I had a pink bed spread...
Rukia Kuchiki- Calm down Ichigo, I'm the one that told Renji. And I'm going to put the poster up in OUR room. I can't have it in the closet, chappy will get dusty.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Who gave you the permission to buy the poster anyway? Speaking of which, how did you pay for the poster? You don't have any money...
Rukia Kuchiki- You don't have to worry about that, your Dad leant me your credit card and your credit card number so I did it myself. Aren't you proud of me? I managed to work a human credit card all by myself. I am a master of human technology.
Ichigo Kurosaki- -_-
Ichigo Kurosaki accepted Isshin Kurosaki as a friend
Isshin Kurosaki likes this
Isshin Kurosaki- Ichigo! You finally accepted your Dad's friend request!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Yeah, whatever. Why the hell did you give Rukia my credit card, and my credit card number? I only gave you it so you could look after it while I was training!
Isshin Kurosaki- It's not like I couldn't give to her. She really wanted that poster and it's not like I was going to pay for it...
Ichigo Kurosaki- So you let me pay for it? Thanks a lot Dad!
Isshin Kurosaki- Anytime my son, anytime.
Ichigo Kurosaki- *FACEPALM*
Toshiro Hitsugaya posted on Rangiku Matsumoto's wall-
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Matsumoto! I know you're on Facebook! Get off the computer and do your paperwork!
Momo Hinamori- But Shiro-chan, if you both have paperwork to do, why are you on Facebook?
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Be quiet Bedwetter, it's because she won't listen to me shouting across the office. Besides, that's captain Hitsugaya to you!
Rangiku Matsumoto- Loosen up Taicho, I was only checking my notifications.
Momo Hinamori- Yeah, loosen up Shiro-chan! Stop being so mean!
Rangiku Matsumoto- Hey, Hinamori! Are you going to Hisagi's party tonight? It's gonna be rad!
Momo Hinamori- Really? He's having a party...I was talking to him earlier and he said he was stuck in the office tonight...
Rangiku Matsumoto- Well...Hisagi doesn't really know about the party, but I'm sure he won't mind us using his house.
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Matsumoto, you'll be in the office tonight too, don't think you're going to that party.
Rangiku Matsumoto- Psshh! You don't mean that!
Shuhei Hisagi- Ummm, Rangiku-san...I don't really want a party at my house if I can't attend...
Toshiro Hitsugaya likes this
Yachiru Kusajishi posted on Byakuya Kuchiki's wall-
Yachiru Kusajishi- Bya-kun! Why won't you accept my request to marry you on Facebook?
Renji Abarai likes this
Byakuya Kuchiki- I'm not married to you, therefore I will not accept.
Yachiru Kusajishi- Silly, you don't have to be married in real life to get married on facebook!
Rukia Kuchiki- Really? You can get married even if you're not actually married? Then why would you get married?
Yachiru Kusajishi- Because it's fun! Uru-chan and boobies got married on Facebook, just for the fun of it!
Rukia Kuchiki- Wow, I thought they actually got married.
Yachiru Kusajishi- Nope! Anyways, can you tell Bya-kun to accept my request? I wanna get married to him!
Byakuya Kuchiki- Why don't you marry the captain of the tenth squad? He's more of your height.
Toshiro Hitsugaya- -_-
Byakuya Kuchiki- Oh, Hitsugaya-Taicho. I wasn't aware you had a Facebook.
Rukia Kuchiki posted on Ichigo Kurosaki's wall-
Rukia Kuchiki- Ichigo! Hurry up and accept my request to marry you!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Wtf Rukia? We're not married! We're not even going out!
Rukia Kuchiki- Baka! You don't have to get married in real life to be married on Facebook! I swear I know more about this human invention called the internet then you do.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Well, who says I wanna get married to you? Even if it is virtually?
Rukia Kuchiki- Fine! If you don't want to be my husband I'll ask Renji! I'm sure he'll accept my request!
Renji Abarai likes this
Ichigo Kurosaki- Do whatever the hell you want, as long as I don't end up with you as my wife.
Rukia Kuchiki- Okay then. What if I asked your Dad to marry me?
Isshin Kurosaki likes this
Isshin Kurosaki- Of course I'll marry you on Facebook Rukia-chan! Send me the request and I'll say yes straight away!
Ichigo Kurosaki is now married to Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia Kuchiki likes this Comments Ichigo Kurosaki- Happy?
Isshin Kurosaki- I'm slightly disappointed you married my son, Rukia-chan, we would have made a perfect Facebook couple...However, I'm happy for you Ichigo! Maybe I'll just ask Yuzu or Karin to marry me.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Dad...that's just weird...
Orihime Inoue- ...Kurosaki-kun, I never knew you and Kuchiki-san were married...
Rukia Kuchiki- Haha! Inoue, it's not what you think! We're only married on Facebook, it's just for fun!
Orihime Inoue- Oh..Well, I'm happy for you Kuchiki-san
Ichigo Kurosaki- Just for fun? How come you forced me into it?
Rukia Kuchiki- I never forced you to do anything, you're the one who accepted my request.
Byakuya Kuchiki- Rukia, why did you marry trash like the orange substitute shinigami? I could have easily prepared more suitable Facebook-grooms for you. He may bring shame to the Kuchiki name.
Rukia Kuchiki- Nee-sama? It's okay, I'll keep him in line so he doesn't bring shame upon our family.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Shame upon your family? It's FACEBOOK!
Yachiru Kusajishi- Yay! Can't wait for the sleepover tonight at Bya-kun's place! Peachy-chan, it's your turn to bring the movie! Everyone else bring LOADS OF CANDY!
Nemu Kurotsuchi, Momo Hinamori, Rangiku Matsumoto and twelve others like this
Nanao Ise- Ummm, Kusajishi fuko-taicho. It's not a sleepover, we're simply having a meeting.
Rangiku Matsumoto- Ne, Nanao-chan, stop being such a stick in the mud! We're sleeping over there, eating snacks and watching's a sleepover.
Nanao Ise- I wasn't trying to be a stick in the mud, I'm just pointing out the facts.
Momo Hinamori- I can't wait! Hmmm, what kind of movie should I bring? I'm not bringing any horror movies, that clown movie last time gave me nightmares for a week :(
Rangiku Matsumoto- HAHAHA! I remember that, and you screamed when you saw Kurotsuchi-Taicho!
Momo Hinamori- Rangiku-chan! Don't tell everyone that I did that!
Rukia Kuchiki- You should rent out Chappy- the movie.
Yachiru Kusajishi- CHAPPY THE MOVIE! I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Get that one Peachy-chan!
Rangiku Matsumoto- No way! We've already seen that movie a zillion times! Ooooh, I know Hinamori, you should bring along those videos of you and Hitsugaya-taicho as kids. Those are hilarious, especially that one of him taking a bath.
Momo Hinamori- I don't think Shiro-chan would like that.
Toshiro Hitsugaya likes this
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Bedwetter! I thought I burnt those videos! And you showed them to Matsumoto? Don't you dare bring those to your sleepover! I will murder you and all those who have watched it if you take it there!
Rangiku Matsumoto likes this
Rangiku Matsumoto- :D Bring them Hinamori, bring them!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Renji is so gonna kick my ass at training tomorrow...His SUPERIORITY scares me shitless.
Renji Abarai likes this
Renji Abarai- Haha, I didn't hack your account, when I went on your computer you forgot to log out. Sheesh, you're an idiot.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Just you wait, I'm gonna figure your password...
Renji Abarai- Ha! Good luck with that!
Renji Abarai- Fine...I'll just come out and say it...I'M GAY! That's right! I'm finally out of the closet!
Ichigo Kurosaki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Nanao Ise and twenty others like this
Yachiru Kusajishi- Ha! I knew it! Bya-kun owes me a packet of gummy bears now! YAY!
Ichigo Kurosaki- It's alright Renji, we were all expecting this anyway.
Byakuya Kuchiki- ...I certainly wasn't expecting it...Okay Kusajishi Fuko-taicho, I will fulfil my promise and give you your packet of gummy bears tomorrow.
Ikkaku Madarame- So...when we were both in the eleventh squad...and we had showers together, all that time you were...o_o
Yumichika Ayasegawa- Gay people are beautiful
Renji Abarai- You're going to die Ichigo, you bastards! I'm NOT gay, Ichigo hacked my account! How the hell did you guess my password?
Ichigo Kurosaki- It wasn't that hard. Why did you put something as obvious as: REDPINEAPPLE as your password? Seriously? You wear a t-shirt all the time that says REDPINEAPPLE!
Renji Abarai- Well, did you have to tell everyone I was Gay? My inbox is full of messages from people offering me 'support' and others offering things I DON'T EVEN WANT TO MENTION.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Revenge is a bitch, isn't it?
Renji Abarai- I'm changing my password again -_-
Renji Abarai- Haha! I'm such an idiot! Who the hell would put their password as PASSWORD? Only an idiot like me would do that! :D
Ichigo Kurosaki likes this
Renji Abarai- Seriously...Fuck you, Ichigo.
Ichigo Kurosaki- LOL, saying that won't really help convince people you're not gay.
Email: OrangeShinigami227 hotmail. com Password: Notafuckingstrawberry
-Welcome to Facebook-
News Feed-
Rangiku Matsumoto uploaded 34 photos to the album: SWA SLEEPOVER!
Nemu Kurotsuchi, Rukia Kuchiki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Jushiro
Utitake and twelve others like this
Rangiku Matsumoto- WOOOOO! Best sleepover ever! Let's do it again next weekend, eh, Ladies?
Yachiru Kusajishi- My favourite part was when Whitey-chan burst through the window shouting at us...Oh, and the candy!
Toshiro Hitsugaya- I wasn't shouting! I was just checking that Bedwetter didn't bring the videos of me to the sleep over!
Rangiku Matsumoto- And breaking Byakuya-Taicho's window while doing so?
Toshiro Hitsugaya- It was the only way to get in -_-
Rangiku Matsumoto- I reckon the best part was when we played truth or dare. :D
Momo Hinamori- Truth or Dare was my least favourite part! I can't believe you made me make out with Rukia's chappy plushie!
Rukia Kuchiki- I wasn't too fond of that part either...Chappy is not lesbian!
Kon Kakkoii- There were making out sessions with stuffed animals? Why wasn't I invited? Can I come next time?
Rukia Kuchiki- No way! Girls only, no perverted soft toys allowed!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Wow...that sounds like one fucked up sleepover...I'm glad I didn't go...
Renji Abarai likes this
Rukia Kuchiki- It was fun! Except I felt sorry for my Nee-sama when he got home and realized we built a huge fort in his living room...
Yachiru Kusajishi- Yeah! The candy storing fort!
Byakuya Kuchiki- My favourite part was when you all left -_-
Karin Kurosaki is now friends with Toshiro Hitsugaya
Ichigo Kurosaki- Wtf? How the hell do you two know each other?
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Ichigo..I stayed at your house! God, you're an idiot.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Hmmm, just keep your hands to yourself around my sister
Toshiro Hitsugaya- -_-
Ichigo Kurosaki posted on Renji Abarai's wall- Ichigo Kurosaki-'ve changed your password again? Psshhh, I'll figure it out within a week.
Renji Abarai- Is that a challenge?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Hell yeah. What else would it be?
Renji Abarai- Hacking comp?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Right on target.
Renji Abarai- Okay then, first one to hack the other person's account wins. The winner gets to dare the loser. You in?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Meh...
Renji Abarai- What?
Ichigo Kurosaki- That sounds boring...
Renji Abarai- Well, you got a better idea genius?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Of course I do, I always have better ideas than you. I think we should have a competition to see who can hack the most people's accounts, including each other's.
Renji Abarai- Go on...
Ichigo Kurosaki- Once you've hacked their account, you can put their status as anything you like but you have to write: RENJI WAS HERE at the end of it.
Renji Abarai- What are you going to write at the end?
Ichigo Kurosaki- ICHIGO WAS HERE. Yeesh, you're even thicker than you look, and that's really saying something.
Renji Abarai- Shut-up Carrot-top. Anyway, the dead line is in two weeks exactly, Winner get's to dare the loser to do anything...anything...
Ichigo Kurosaki- yeah, that's okay but I'm not doing anything like giving you nude pictures of myself Renji...No queer shit, right?
Renji Abarai- The next time I see you. I'm going to punch you in the nose. I mean it.
Rangiku Matsumoto posted on Momo Hinamori's wall-
Rangiku Matsumoto- Momo! Since you didn't bring the videos of Taicho to the sleep over, you HAVE to send them to me via Facebook.
Momo Hinamori- Umm, Rangiku-chan I don't think Shiro-chan wants anyone to see those videos of him...I think he's embarrassed...
Rangiku Matsumoto- And your point is...?
Momo Hinamori- I'm not showing anyone the videos, Rangiku-chan.
Rangiku Matsumoto- Not even me?
Momo Hinamori- Especially not you!
Rangiku Matsumoto- Why are you being so stiff for? Usually you're all up for showing me embarrassing photos and videos of him, why the sudden change? Besides, I've already seen them once, I just want a copy on my laptop for black mail.
Momo Hinamori- No reason...
Rangiku Matsumoto- OMG! He's got some dirt on you, doesn't he? He's black mailing you right?
Momo Hinamori- No!
Rangiku Matsumoto- He so is! Spill!
Momo Hinamori- He's not black mailing me.
Rangiku Matsumoto- You can keep denying it Momo, but I'll find out how he's black mailing you...then I'll get a copy of the naked videos of Taicho myself!
Orihime Inoue is now friends with Ulquiorra Cifer-
Orihime Inoue likes this
Ichigo Kurosaki- Oh, so you'll accept her friend request but you won't accept mine? I love you too Ulquiorra.
Renji Abarai- tried to kill each other...why did you send him a friend request?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Well, aside from the trying to kill each other thing, I thought we got along pretty well.
Renji Abarai- o_O
Ulquiorra Cifer- Why would I accept trash as my friend? Obnoxious humans.
Ichigo Kurosaki- You accepted Inoue as your friend!
Ulquiorra Cifer- Are you implying that Orihime Inoue is trash? That's no way to talk about your friends.
Ichigo Kurosaki- I meant she's human, not trash. Anyway, I couldn't give a fuck if you ignore my friend request, you can shove it up your ass!
Ulquiorra Cifer- If you don't care, why are you still commenting?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Just...Just shut-up!
Jushiro Utitake posted on Toshiro Hitsugaya's wall-
Jushiro Utitake- Hitsugaya-Taicho, did you receive the gift-basket of candy I sent to you for your half-birthday?
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Utitake...I told you to stop buying me gifts...
Jushiro Utitake- But it was your could I have not bought you a gift? Did you get it?
Toshiro Hitsugaya- Nobody celebrates their half-birthday! Even if it was my real birthday I wouldn't want a gift! But to answer your question, no, it hasn't arrived yet.
Jushiro Utitake- Really? It hasn't arrived yet? I sent it about a week ago so it should've arrived by now.
Yachiru Kusajishi- That's so strange, Ukki. You should try sending another one :)
Ichigo was here.
Ichigo Kurosaki likes this
Ichigo Kurosaki- Shame Renji, I'm winning! Rukia's password was so easy to guess. ILOVECHAPPY? Seriously Rukia, you could not get any more obvious.
Rukia Kuchiki- I'm going to murder you Ichigo. The when you become a Shinigami, I'll murder you again.
Renji Abarai- I was going to hack her account but I knew she'd beat the shit out of me if I did. Haha, you're in deep shit Ichigo. Don't ever mess with Rukia's chappy obsession.
Ichigo Kurosaki- I'm not scared of her.
Renji Abarai- You should be.
Rukia Kuchiki created a new photo album called 'Ichigo's black eye'-
Renji Abarai and Byakuya Kuchiki like this
Ichigo Kurosaki- Okay...maybe now, I'm a little scared.
Email: OrangeShinigami277 hotmail. com Password: Notafuckingstrawberry
-Welcome to Facebook-
News Feed-
Hiyori Sarugaki posted on Shinji Hirako's wall-
Oi, Ass-wipe! Get your ass up off the computer and make me a sandwich!
Mashiro Kuna likes this
Mashiro Kuna- I feel like a sandwich too, make me one too please Shinji? Peanut butter with the crusts cut off, thanks :)
Kensei Maguruma- You're both woman. You two should be the ones making us men sandwiches.
Mashiro Kuna- Stupid Kensei, you're just jealous that we didn't ask you to make our sandwiches!
Kensei Maguruma- Why the hell would I be jealous about that? I'm happy I don't have to make you a sandwich.
Mashiro Kuna- If you're happy then why are you arguing with me?
Kensei Maguruma- I'm not arguing with you.
Mashiro Kuna- Yes you are.
Kensei Maguruma- No I'm not.
Mashiro Kuna- Then what are we doing now?
Kensei Maguruma- We're not arguing! God! Even virtually, you're annoying!
Mashiro Kuna- I know you are, I said you are, so what am I?
Kensei Maguruma- What? That doesn't even make sense?
Mashiro Kuna- YOU don't make sense!
Kensei Maguruma- Arrrghhh! I wish you'd just grow up!
Shinji Hirako- I'm not making anyone sandwiches.
Ulquiorra Cifer posted on Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's wall-
Are you the one that took my face paint? If I find out it was you I'm going to cero you into the ceiling.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez- Why the fuck would I want to steal your pansy-ass make-up?
Charlotte probably stole it.
Ulquiorra Cifer- It's not make up, I don't wear woman's products...but you're right, I better check with Mr. Chuhlhourne. I caught him in Harribel's chamber the other day trying on her clothes. Not a pleasant experience.
Grimmijow Jaegerjaquez- Call it whatever the hell you like, it's still make up. Haha! You caught Charlotte getting changed? I bet you were peeking on purpose.
Ulquiorra Cifer- It is not make-up! Besides, even if it was make up I wouldn't be alone. What about the green eye shadow you wear under your eyes? And NO. I was not peeking, I simply needed to deliver Ms. Harribel a message from Lord Aizen and there he was.
Grimmijow Jaegerjaquez- That's not eye shadow! It's...face paint...
Ulquiorra Cifer- "Call it whatever the hell you like, it's still make up." –G. Jaegerjaquez
Grimmijow Jaegerjaquez- Fuck you.
Shinji Hirako- I love you Hiyori! XOXO 8=D
Ichigo was here.
Hiyori Sarugaki- WTF?
Shinji Hirako- I didn't write this! I swear!
Hiyori Sarugaki- But it says you wrote it! EW! By the way, what the hell is that 8=D thing supposed to be?
Shinji Hirako-...It looks like a penis.
Lisa Yadomaru-You idiots...Read the bottom of the post.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Chill Hiyori, it was only a joke. By the way, the 8=D thing is supposed to be a sideways smiley face. But now that I think about it, it does look like a penis.
Hiyori Sarugaki- A really small penis. It's what Shinji's one looks like.
Shinji Hirako- (.) (.) That's what Hiyori's boobs look like.
Lisa Yadomaru- I find it funny how Hiyori knows what Shinji's penis looks like and how Shinji knows what Hiyori's boobs look like.
Ichigo Kurosaki likes this
Hiyori Sarugaki- -_-
Shinji Hirako- -_-
Ichigo Kurosaki posted on Renji Abarai's wall-
I'm winning 2-0. When are you gonna grow the balls (or the brains) to hack someone to make this game interresting?
Renji Abarai- I'm about to hack someone right now, I'm just trying to think of something to put as their facebook status. By the way, I have twenty times the amount of balls and brains as you.
Rukia Kuchiki- Renji, you say you have twenty times the amount of balls and brains as Ichigo?
Twenty times zero equals zero.
Ichigo Kurosaki- Shut up Rukia. And Renji, don't feed me that bullshit, you haven't hacked anyone.
Renji was here.
Renji Abarai likes this
Renji Abarai- Shame Ichigo, I'm catching up.
Ichigo Kurosaki- I don't care. Do you wanna know why?
Renji Abarai- Why?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Because, you know how Rukia has a bad temper?
Renji Abarai- Yeah?
Ichigo Kurosaki- Byakuya's temper is worse. And on top of that, he's your captain.
Byakuya Kuchiki- Renji. I'd like to see you in my office.
Renji Abarai- Oh Fuck.
Byakuya Kuchiki likes this
Yachiru Kusajishi- Silly Bya-kun! Ken-chan doesn't wear pants.
Kenpachi Zaraki posted on Byakuya Kuchiki's wall-
Byakuya. I couldn't give a fuck what kind of sick-twisted fantasies of me you have in your mind but if you tell everyone about it on Facebook again, I'll chop you to pieces.
Ichigo Kurosaki likes this
Byakuya Kuchiki- First of all, my account was tampered with by my lieutenant. I was not the one who said such things. Also, even if I did happen to be attracted to males I am CERTAIN I would not want to 'get in your pants'. CERTAIN.
Kenpachi Zaraki- Good. Although you should learn to keep your lieutenant under control. You're not gay? I thought you were gay...I mean, you look like a girl and your Zanpakuto's power is to throw around pink flowers...even you have to admit that's a bit pansy-ish.
Byakuya Kuchiki- Me? Keep my lieutenant under control? What about your lieutenant who hosts slumber parties inside my mansion when I'm gone for the weekend? Also, I do not look like a girl and my Zanpakuto has the ability to wield cherry blossoms that are both sharper and faster than your Zanpakuto's blade. How could you think I was gay, I was married before!
Kenpachi Zaraki- Meh...I call 'em as I see 'em.
Rangiku Matsumoto posted on Momo Hinamori's wall-
Wanna go out for drinks tonight? We can both bitch about the white-haired-devil-captain together.
Toshiro Hitsugaya- -_-
Rangiku Matsumoto- Taicho! I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about...the other white haired captain!
Jushiro Utitake- :(
Kiyone Kotetsu- Don't be upset Taicho! I'm sure they aren't talking about you, they're talking about Gin Ichimaru. Isn't that right Rangiku-fuko-taicho?
Rangiku Matsumoto- Yes, that's right, I'm talking about Gin!
Momo Hinamori- But Rangiku-san, we never talk about Gin when we drink.
Rangiku Matsumoto- *face palm
Rukia Kuchiki posted on Ichigo Kurosaki's wall-
This is a true story. There was once a young girl called Robyn Miller who died in the hospital over hundreds of years ago. She died during heart surgery after the doctors failed to fix her heart up properly. She was buried with half of her heart missing and now she roams around the earth in search of the missing half of her heart. If you don't post this to another friend's wall then you Robyn will come after your heart, ripping it out of your chest before slicing it in half and implanting it into her own.
Rukia Kuchiki- Ichigo! This girl needs a soul burial performed on her!
I posted it onto your wall so she would come after you and you could perform it!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Rukia, why did you spam my wall with this bull shit?
Rukia Kuchiki- What do you mean? Let's help Robyn go to soul society, she's stuck roaming the earth!
Ichigo Kurosaki- Rukia, it's a chain letter. Robyn Miller doesn't exist.
Rukia Kuchiki- It says it's a true story!
Ichigo Kurosaki- It lied, that's what chain letters do.
Rukia Kuchiki- Oh...
Rukia Kuchiki posted on Ichigo Kurosaki's wall-
This is a true story, seriously.
Abigail Logans was only five years old when...
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